★ TICA CFA雙註冊貓舍 ★漁農處牌照 110365 ★引進自世界不同最頂級冠軍🏆血統 ★健康保障種貓均接受豹貓已知遺傳病檢査 ★努力培育獨特的小豹紋和野性頭版 ★乾淨的完美花紋顏色對比 歡迎WhatsApp了解預約69029206

Our Advantage: 1)Factory price. 2)High quality with Warranty. 3)Capacity Stock & Arrange the goods quickly. 4)Enjoy good reputation among our customers. 5)Professional and good after sale service.

Our Advantage: 1)Factory price. 2)High quality with Warranty. 3)Capacity Stock & Arrange the goods quickly. 4)Enjoy good reputation among our customers. 5)Professional and good after sale service.

貓狗美容 寵物免麻醉洗牙
寵物 / 寵物店倆.Chillax

💕全港首間包為貓貓接種晶片之貓店💕 (大大增加如走失貓貓同主人團聚既機會) ❤️特長合約式健康保障❤️ (健康保障/貓瘟/腸炎/腹膜炎) ☎️永久售後意見支援☎️ (讓我們成為你嘅專業後盾) 💉貓貓已經至少接種兩針疫苗💉 (附註冊獸醫針卡) 🐛貓貓均接受 杜蟲(口服), 杜虱(滴頸)🐛 (我哋做多一步 更令你哋安心)
寵物 / 寵物轉讓catpointhk

大角嘴區 寵物店 頂手 - 提供寵物美容服務及零售 - 樓上鋪(美容及零售) 2間鋪打通約250至300呎左右 - 已開業6年多,有固定客底 - 頂手費包括貨底客底 - 附近有大型屋苑、寵物公園及寵物醫院,常吸納區內區外新客戶到店,有發展空間 - 包括台灣SPA缸、店內冷氣3部、即熱式熱水爐、不銹鋼浴缸、美容桌,吹水機、風筒、電剷、美容工具、狗籠、貨架、打印機 - 現時處理家事分身不暇,現時平
x商業 / 生意頂讓xxTSZCHINGxx

D寵物 / 寵物轉讓Dave3134

香港自家繁殖英國短毛貓😜 保證貓靚 價錢合理😌😌 好過去寵物店啊😝😝😝😝😝
T寵物 / 寵物轉讓ThePawHouse

自家割愛轉讓,可能會問家中養貓情況,不接受寵物店 有意請WhatsApp我: 97050048
Y寵物 / 寵物轉讓Yuri chan

It's the world's first BTC banknote. It's a cold wallet that has the particularity of being able to be exchanged for a good as many times as necessary as long as its die isn't altered, as it were cash
i商業 / 印刷icynoteteam

BonTakeng is the strongest 24-hour air conditioning and electricity maintenance company in Hong Kong. If you have any problem of air conditioner or electricity, please feel free to contact us.

Due to the effect of school closures during the pandemic, student's academics are falling behind. Now is a good time to pick up the pace and catch up. 由於疫情期間學校運作大受影響,學生的學業直接受牽連。現在是加快步伐並迎頭趕上的好時機。

We are the hinge and slide manufacture since 1986, loacted in China, Guangdong, Jieyang city. Have good experience of OEM service, welcome to contact us for more cooperation.
家居 / 五金及工具Riming hardware

24小時營業派對場地,觀塘4間+葵興1間,Party場面積由 900-1800呎,派對場地設有廚房供大家一展廚藝,亦可選擇到會服務,享受美酒佳餚,專業音響給你們可大展歌喉,專業音響讓你們可盡情發揮,朋友們可自攜酒水,提供大量酒杯及飲酒玩意,來個今朝有酒今朝醉,桌上遊戲可使朋友們互相比拼,感受勝負帶來的刺激及樂趣,部分場地設有休閒房,內有浴室及梳化床,可讓你消除疲勞回復體力,多合一遊戲機
消閒及娛樂 / 派對場地unit seafd party room

*Answer incoming calls outgoing calls from customers needing assistance in a variety of areas. *Fulfill customer service functions. *Answer questions, give explanation, and solve problems for customer
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